I'm back....

Assuntos não diretamente relacionados ao ioiô. Aniversários, sites pessoais e mensagens que não tenham diretamente a ver com o esporte.

Moderadores: Barco, Forest, Daniel Avalos

Mensagens: 6
Registrado em: 16 Dez 2002, 21:00

Mensagem por Nate »

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been gone so long. I don'thave a decent excuse, so I won't say anything. I've been taking a small break from yoyoing for a while now. I got into pen spinning. Very cool it is.

And Mitch will be proud to know that I've learned the sonic normal, the 360 reverse thumb spin, and I'm learning the charge.

I need to get back to ioios though.

OH! I hear that Titi and Raffael have drawn Mitch and Kyle. I want to see those pictures.

Anyway, Hey everybody. Sorry it's been so long.
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Rafael Matsunaga
Mensagens: 2467
Registrado em: 30 Jan 2002, 21:00
Localização: São Paulo

Mensagem por Rafael Matsunaga »

Welcome back, Nate. Actually, Titi and Rodrigo are the ones who have drawn the guys. I'm just a humble admirer of their work. :wink:

Bem-vindo de volta, Nate. Na verdade, o Titi e o Rodrigo é que desenharam os caras. Eu sou só um humilde admirador do trabalho deles. :wink:
